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Antenatal Hypnobirthing classes:


Group session taught as one workshop

£150 per couple


Private sessions taught over 4 weeks (1.5 hour sessions)

£250 per couple


Course content includes:


* The Mechanics of birth

* Our Mindset - The conscious and subconscious

* The Theta state

* Visualisations and Positive Affirmations

* Birth Choices

* Positive Birth Plan & Hospital Bag ideas

* Preparing the body for birth

* Breathing techniques

* Light Touch Massage

* The Labour itself

* Positive Birth Stories

* What happens afterwards


All courses come with a set of positive affirmation cards, and 'How to achieve a calm birth' course book, written by the Calm Births founder, Hannah Barnes.


Pre-natal Support

1 x 1.5 hour visit to discuss & email/telephone support


* Birth Choices

* Birth plan template and advice

* Hospital Bag planning

* Tools to make the choices right for you

* Labour: the process

* A chance to discuss through anything else you feel necessary


£100 per couple




Post- natal Support

1 x 1.5 hour visit to chat informally about your labour.


* Positive reflections on your birth

* Feeding choices

* Signposting to various support networks

* A chance to discuss through anything else you feel necessary- and a chance for me to make you a cuppa!


£75 per couple







Keep an eye out for our latest workshops and mummy wellness speaker evenings

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